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Make a Lasting Investment in SPU's Future

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Donor Stories

  • Ron Worman: An Entrepreneurial Mindset
    Ron Worman: An Entrepreneurial Mindset
    Ron and his wife, Sally, established a Flexible Deferred Gift Annuity for SPU in 2004.
  • The Hills: Fanning Flames of Faith
    The Hills: Fanning Flames of Faith
    Last year, the Hills updated their will to include a bequest to the University.
  • Bob Thompson: Serving as God Leads
    Bob Thompson: Serving as God Leads
    Bob has been a faithful donor and made provisions for a bequest gift to SPU through his estate
  • The Katos: Making it Count
    The Katos: Making it Count
    When in 2015 they established the Sharleen and Dean Kato Family Global Service Learning Scholarship Endowment...
  • Charitable IRA Rollovers Open Doors to Creative Giving
    Charitable IRA Rollovers Open Doors to Creative Giving
    Leah Ramer uses tax-free distributions from her IRA to support a nursing endowment fund in her name.
  • Living Life by Lifting Others: Bud and Patti Bylsma
    Living Life by Lifting Others: Bud and Patti Bylsma
    Bud Bylsma and his wife, Patti, have created charitable gift annuities that will support Seattle Pacific University after their lifetimes.
  • IRA Beneficiary Designation
    IRA Beneficiary Designation
    Patricia Bentz keeps an unusual collection — Winnie the Pooh books published in 24 different languages including Greek, Latin, Russian, and the prize find — Afrikaner.
  • Endowment Supports Faculty Development
    Endowment Supports Faculty Development
    Rob Wall is an esteemed Seattle Pacific University professor of Scripture, an author, and a scholar. He speaks with clarity about the relevancy of the gospel to learning and to the world.
  • Creative Giving with Real Estate
    Creative Giving with Real Estate
    Karl Krienke taught physics and mathematics at SPU for 44 years. His wife, Reita, was an elementary and preschool teacher.
  • Who Knew Investing Could be so Fun
    Who Knew Investing Could be so Fun
    Les Nelson '57 and his wife, Carol, are an energetic and dedicated couple who live in Issaquah, Washington. They are proudly of Swedish descent, and parents and grandparents to four children and 11 grandchildren.
  • Jay Morgensen: Empowering Women
    Jay Morgensen: Empowering Women
    Jay founded a scholarship endowment to provide tuition assistance for female undergraduates from China or Southeast Asia.
  • Steve Danishek and Dee Tezelli: Scaling New Heights
    Steve Danishek and Dee Tezelli: Scaling New Heights
    The year 1975 was a significant one for Dee Tezelli and Steve Danishek. The couple married that year and opened a travel agency in Seattle, Washington.
  • Bill and Sue Osborne: Giving the Gift of Surprise
    Bill and Sue Osborne: Giving the Gift of Surprise
    Ask Bill Osborne ’67 about his recollections of Seattle Pacific, and he mentions the friendships formed in college and appreciates the intimate size of the classes at the...
  • The Bilderbacks: Spreading Salt and Light
    The Bilderbacks: Spreading Salt and Light
    Don Bilderback '69 and Beck Belcher Bilderback '68 have provided for SPU in their estate by naming SPU the beneficiary of their IRA
  • Claudia and Daryl Vander Pol: Investing in Student Athletes
    Claudia and Daryl Vander Pol: Investing in Student Athletes
    The story of Claudia and Daryl Vander Pol began in 1963 when Daryl '66 was studying in his dorm room on the fourth floor of Hill Hall and the phone...